Helping Create Success
Helping Create Success
Hello there, let me introduce myself to you today!
I am a curious person, I really am.
I love living my life and enjoying every moment and every challange that brings. I appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that I possibly can for I may never be able to experience again.
It’s been a while that i have written a text, and actuaclly, it was one of my stronger points when I was in school. I had written blog before, but now I just feel that I have more experience and have learned to express myself better.
I hope that you enjoy the new format of my website. Its new look really makes me happy and excited, and I can’t wait to keep going. Finally, I have created something that really allows me to express myself.
If it’s your first time on my page, please, let me tell you a little more about me.
My name is Keilley.
For a long time I was thinking about doing some kind of social media activity (blogger, instagram, even as a youtuber)
But I was always stopped by fear to be criticised, because now I am mother of two, or simply by not having that time i need to do it. But I am back with my thoughts and experiences about writing and I want to share all this with you guys, my travels around or simply my everyday encounters (another day and topic to talk about).
When I turned 29, I suffered a small crisis realizing that I will soon reach 30!! That builds quite a presssure on someone who is always thinking about doing something but always putting it on hold.
Yeah, I have a beautiful family, 2 children, a small dog, and a husband that I love and he also loves me (I hope so :D) There are no big problems with money, well, we are not rich, but we live well. It sounds perfect, right?
But it is not like that, we are not perfect, and I am not here to give advice, i would be first one that needs it too :p
Before the GREAT 30th conclusion, I realized that I have so many things yet to discover, that I have many places to go, that I stiLl have so much to learn, and yes the most important thing is;
_Age is not exactly the number of your years that you lived, it’s the feeling and state of mind that tells you your real age. And how you feel? Well, let’s just say that I feel a lot younger than what my birth certificate tells me.
I have returned to my social media activity life with more power than ever.
Learned from everyone and everything around me!
Making a real list, and step by step, little by little, I can do it. I believe it will make me grow as well, putting my thoughts and feelings into words.
When that time comes and you make yourself that question … How older am i?, what do I really think?, how feeling I about my age?
Sometimes we do not realize that we stop dancing and signing, we stop making stupid photos, we stop to talk to strangers, and many times we stop to believe…. Its not about the number, its about how we feel how we open or close to our surroundings and how you see the world around us.
So hard to do and easy to say or to write about, but it simply means you are going through an incubation period and transformation.
I think the key is not to get stuck in your current lost state ( or routine, saturation) and to tap into your creative power to create a life you love.
I’m try to do my best, to live my life, because i want to teach my kids from my happines…
We must shake down our fears, and never think twice about doing something new that will put you in a new situation. Regreat can be one of the worst things in life.
“We only live once, but once is enough if we do it right. Live your life with class, dignity, and style so that an exclamation, rather than a question mark signifies it!”
Me Talking
By Keilley Lee Marques
#travel #mom #lifestyle #wife #basketball #30th #Big30th #blog
When you have a career like Lubos it's hard to know from where to start, but like always we will start from his early beginnings. I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. If you are making...
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I feel an urge to express myself through these next paragraphs about the current situation we are in right now. As a mother of two and a wife...