Helping Create Success

Digital Marketing Expert



An Umbrella of Capabilities
‘There is nothing to worry about if you practice multiple professions; it doesn’t mean that you are lost but that you have the flexibility of thoughts.’
My life is all about traveling, learning, and exploring. I never learned to stop, not even for a while, and this ended up with my multiple job profiles. I started my career as a volleyball player, and I loved to travel; later, I completed my degree in jewelry designing, which helped me create my own company, KLee Official a jewelry fashion website.
I even started my blogs and vlogs related to traveling and my experience with a vision to influence the maximum number of people. Being a wife to the former Basketball Player & currently a Coach of the under 18 basketball team has ignited my interest in sports which led my life to the Bruno Basket.
Now, I have started working as a brand influencer. The idea behind working as a brand influencer is to promote all the big and small brands to get the required recognization in society. I have also created a digital marketing module for the different clients, including all the digital marketing strategies (digital PR activities and digital marketing) to promote their business online across the globe. It will help the companies to gain worldwide recognization.
Find the Event
Live events, one-on-one coaching program, training systems and group workshops will help close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
There are no upcoming events at this time.
5 Reasons Influencers Absolutely Impact Your Business Growth
Influencers know how to mobilize people and boost traffic to their partners’ sites
Influencers are influential because they know how to mobilize their audience and get key messages in front of their target customers.
The influencer’s opinion is valuable and interesting to their followers
As they’ve made it their business, they’ve learned even more. They have valuable information on how consumers see and shop for specific products and services.
Influencers produce both purchase intent and can increase conversions
As people spend more time on social media and the internet the entire commerce journey is now happening online. As such, influencers are driving not only product discovery but conversions too.
Influencer marketing creates memorable social media experiences for brands of all sizes
Influencers can be an effective catalyst for consumer engagement for B2C brands. With the right incentives, they can generate engagement, boost numbers and reach, and create an even deeper loyalty to the brand.
Influencer Marketing is here to stay
As more and more industries are producing influencers, and they continue to be a trusted resource for audiences, many influencer marketing budgets are expected to grow in the next few years.
Our USP's
Valuable Networks
Innovation & Technology
Digital Marketing
Influencer Marketing
A Life That's Worth It
A journey to share! A journey to inspire! Here’s is a collection of important moments of my life that are worth to justify what led to this life and I am here to share those with you.
What Clients Say
Keilley Lee Marques gets Influencer Marketing done in a data-driven way and it's so refreshing!
Keilley Lee Marques is without a doubt the best choice for Influencer Marketing. My results and her other cases proves it.
If you consider to take your Influencer Marketing to the next level, reach out to Keilley Lee Marques!
My favorite part of working with Keilley was the very smooth execution!
What I really like about Keilley is her understanding of what the right strategies are and how to engage them with a brand or campaign, which in return is shown in the results.
We are always ready to help. There are many ways to contact us. You may drop us a line, give us a call, or send an email, choose what suits you most.
KEILLEY LEE MARQUES - The Name That's Spread All Over